Bok Tower Gardens are the chalk to the parks cheese. In fact so much so that they really seem out of place being in Florida at all. While the parks are all high energy and fast paced Bok Tower Gardens are the complete opposite: quite, relaxed and slow paced. It is not surprising, therefore, that this was a trip taken by only two members of our party, the boys electing to stay at home in bed. To be fair Mat has been unwell since hurting his back racing Helen in the pool yesterday and was looking distinctly off colour this morning. The last thing on his mind was a stroll around a garden – no matter how beautiful it might be. So Helen and I set off alone.

It was clear that, unsurprisingly, this sort of place attracts a certain type of clientele and Helen and I were doing our bit by bringing down the average age of the visitors. Something else that Bok Tower Gardens attracts seems to be biting insects who took a great shine to our large amounts of exposed flesh. I suspect that we will be itching and scratching for the rest of our holiday.

We got back to the villa in time for lunch and to wake the boys!

Alex discovered one of the downsides of the US today when we went out for a meal to TGI Fridays and discovered that they were serving imported cider but, unlike, the UK you cannot drink until you are 21, even with a meal in a restaurant.

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