Today we drove back down the road we’d taken from our emergency hotel a couple of days ago and on to the town of Kennebunkport – the only place in this area that hasn’t stolen the name from the UK!
A Long Drive
It was a long drive today of over five hours, mainly on the US-1, which winds down the Eastern coast. We’d planned a few stops along the way but we were thwarted in our attempt to visit Desert of Maine as that’s only open the weekends now that it is out of season. This is a downside with visiting so late in the year, things are beginning to shut for the season but, of course, if you want to see the colours of the fall leaves you have to come this late.
So our first stop was the town of Rockland, which sounds like a particularly shit theme park. It turned out that it wasn’t much cop as a place to stop either so once we had a drink and a loo break, we moved on. Next was Portland Lighthouse, by which time I had been driving for four hours and really needed the break. We had some sandwiches we’d bought in Rockland before going for a walk to the lighthouse and then out along the coast. It was busy but still a pleasant walk.
Eventually we arrived in Kennebunkport a tiny and pretty place on the Maine coast. Being Europeans rather than Americans we walked from the hotel into town some 20 minutes away. Amazingly there was a footpath all the way! After a couple of nights of big meals we’d decided to go to a local pizza place tonight. We ordered two pizzas and when they arrived realised that one would have been more than sufficient but at least we know what we are having for lunch tomorrow now! It was dark on the way back and we were able to take some nice pictures over the water.